How To Use Mune.Finance


Mune is an automated market maker optimized for pegged value crypto assets. With Mune, there are two general actions users can first take: swap or deposit. Swapping between two assets on Mune gives users efficient trading and low slippage. Depositing assets into a pool on Mune allows users to participate in the protocol as liquidity providers and earn reward incentives.

Head to to get started!

Swap on Mune

  1. Select “Swap” on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the currency you’re exchanging, and the one you want to receive. (Tip: swaping from overweight assets into underweight assets will result in a bonus.)

  3. Enter the amount you’d like to exchange.

  4. Click “Advanced” to select options like slippage, gas, or transaction deadline.

  5. Click “Swap”, review the details, and confirm the transaction.

Deposit on Mune

  1. Select “Pools” on the top navigation bar, Select "Deposit"

  2. Enter the amount(s) you’d like to deposit of one or more of the assets listed (Tip: deposit underweight assets to receive an LP token bonus).

  3. Click “Advanced” to select options like slippage and gas.

  4. Click “Deposit” review the details, and confirm the transaction.

  5. After the transaction is confirmed, stake your LP tokens [coming soon]

  6. Keep track of your rewards!

Withdraw from Mune

  1. Select “Pools” on the top navigation bar, Select "Withdraw"

  2. Enter the amount(s) you’d like to withdraw of one or more of the assets listed (Tip: withdraw overweight assets to receive a bonus).

  3. Click “Advanced” to select options like transaction deadline and gas.

  4. Click “Withdraw” review the details, and confirm the transaction.

Last updated

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